Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (2024)


Best in Slot Gear and Alternatives

The build incorporates the complete Unhallowed Essence set bonuses,taking five of the six available UE set pieces, and then adding two pieces ofthe craftable Captain Crimson's Trimmings set —Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (1) Captain Crimson's Silk Girdle and one more of your choosing, according toyour weakest UE set roll (either Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (2) Captain Crimson's Thrust orUnhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (3) Captain Crimson's Waders). This set provides CDR as well as RCR bonuses,and then scales your damage dealt and damage reduced according to both stats,respectively — bringing a massive boon to the build. You will attain thecomplete set bonuses of this two-set amalgamation viaUnhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (4) Ring of Royal Grandeur in the Cube. The BiS roll forUnhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (5) Fiendish Grips includes double Crit stats alongside Dexterity and AreaDamage. Discipline in the secondary and Hatred Regeneration in the primarystats are the notable requirements on the Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (6) Cage of the Hellborn. AreaDamage and CDR rolls will be helpful on the Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (7) Unsanctified Shoulders. TheUnhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (8) Accursed Visage and Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (9) Hell Walkers can roll Multishot % bonus, andit is mandatory to seek the skill bonus on both.

The cubed RoRG leaves space for a potent combo in the jewelry: the Bastionsof Will set, Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (10) Focus and Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (11) Restraint. This ring set adds animpressive 2.25independent damage multiplier as long as you alternate betweena primary and spender attacks; thus, learn to weave frequentUnhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (12) Evasive Fire shots in your Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (13) Multishot spam (see this build's skills page for more information). In thestats, aim for Crit Chance, Crit Damage, and an open Socket.

The preferred option for this build is Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (14) Squirt's Necklace; rewardinghigh-range and evasive builds that demolish their enemies from afar, thislegendary piece greatly amplifies both damage dealt and damage taken. Theformer favorite, Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (15) Hellfire Amulet of Dexterity, is still a viable choice— especially if you roll a helpful fifth passive like Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (16) Steady Aimor Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (17) Awareness. Another strong option is the grouping ofUnhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (18) The Ess of Johan, which greatly eases AoE. Regardless of your choice, thedesired stats are Crit Chance, Crit Damage, an open Socket, and appropriateelemental damage (Fire in GreaterRifts, Cold in speedfarm).

Created as a direct answer to the excessive frailty of the Demon Hunterclass, the Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (19) Wraps of Clarity bracer reduces damage taken for severalseconds after using a Hatred Generator. Along with the Bastions of Will set,this item fortifies the position of Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (20) Evasive Fire in the build, andserves as a constant reminder to alternate your primary and secondary skill.

Tailor-made for Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (21) Multishot builds, the Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (22) Yang's Recurve bowfeatures too many helpful affixes to ignore. Naturally rolling with up to 50%Resource Cost Reduction, it is already a strong contender for expensivespender builds. What seals the deal is the unique property of the bow,speeding up Multishot by 50% and turning the solid attack rate into anunyielding barrage. The other desired stats are high damage range, highDexterity, % Damage and Discipline in the secondary stats.

No less important than its weapon counterpart, the Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (23) Dead Man's Legacyis a Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (24) Multishot-specific quiver that picks damage up almost whereUnhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (25) Ambush leaves off. With an optimal roll, this quiver will apply asecond Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (26) Multishot hit as soon as your enemy reaches below 60% health,including the rockets from Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (27) Arsenal. An ideal roll would also includea high Multishot % bonus (up to 200% with the 2.6.1 rework), Area Damage andDiscipline in the secondary stats.


Desired Stats, Breakpoints and Other Notes

Rolls-wise, this Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (28) Multishot-centric playstyle takes good advantageof Attack Speed, Skill and Area Damage affixes. You will be trying to reach a37% CDR breakpoint for permanent uptime of Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (29) Vengeance, attainable fromParagon points, Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (30) Flawless Royal Diamond and the inclusion of the Cpt.Crimson's set in the build (no CDR rolls on gear necessary).

For Defense stats, aim for a life pool between 500-600k; dropping as muchas you can for offense as you grow accustomed to the build. You will mostlysustain through Life per Hit on gear, with one high roll in your setup (i.e.bracer).

All augmentations on gear should be done with your main stat, Dexterity.

Note that the stat suggestions below portray an ideally rolled item withstats listed in relative order of importance. The first four of them are mainstats, and the latter two — secondary stats. If your item lacks and isunable to be rerolled into the primary stats outlined below, especially for astat higher on the list, strongly consider its replacement. PerfectingSecondary stats is mostly a case of hyper-optimization and is not a case fordiscarding an item, except where noted.

SlotPiecesStat Priority
  1. Dexterity
  2. Socket
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (32) Multishot %
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. Area Damage %
  3. Vitality
  4. All Resistance
  5. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  6. Health Globe Healing Bonus (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. 3 Sockets
  3. Max Discipline (Important Secondary stat)
  4. Vitality
  5. Hatred Regeneration
  6. Melee or Missile Damage Reduction (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Fire Damage %
  4. Life per Hit or Vitality
  5. Melee or Missile Damage Reduction (Secondary Stat)
  6. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity (replaced by Attack Speed at High Paragons)
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Area Damage
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. Vitality
  3. All Resistance
  4. Life %
  5. Life per Kill (Secondary Stat)
  6. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. 2 Sockets
  3. Vitality
  4. All Resistance
  5. Life per Kill (Secondary Stat)
  6. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (40) Multishot %
  3. Vitality
  4. All Resistance
  5. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  6. Health Globe Healing Bonus (Secondary Stat)
  1. Critical Hit Damage
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Socket
  4. Fire Damage %
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Melee or Missile Damage Reduction (Secondary Stat)
Ring #1
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Area Damage or Average Damage
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Life per Kill (Secondary Stat)
Ring #2
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Area Damage or Average Damage
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Life per Kill (Secondary Stat)
  1. Socket (preferably from Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (46) Ramaladni's Gift)
  2. High Weapon Damage
  3. Dexterity
  4. Max Discipline (Secondary stat)
  5. Damage %
  6. Attack Speed
  1. Dexterity
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Max Discipline (Secondary stat)
  4. Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (48) Multishot %
  5. Area Damage

To help you with farming the gear you need for your builds, we have two veryuseful guides that you can access by clicking the links below: a Salvage Guide tohelp you quickly check whether or not you can safely salvage a piece of gear anda Legendary Farming Guide to help you efficiently farm legendaries and set items.


Altar of Rites

The former Season 28 theme, the Altar of Rites, has been revised andre-added to Diablo 3 as a permanent character progression mechanic. — Forvirtually all builds and players of all skill levels — from casual toadvanced — we recommend progressing through the Altar tree using the pathoutlined below. The suggested path is geared towards maximum quality of lifefirst, then amplifying damage, and then mopping up the tree with defensive andedge case utility nodes.

Note that while they require reaching them with a Seal, Legendary PotionPowers are not part of the Seal cost system; Potions unlock with a separateresource called Primordial Ashes, obtained from salvaging Legendary or Setitems of Primal (red bordered) quality. Upgrade them as soon as possible, andin the order shown below (courtesy of Caleko's Altar of Rites planner).

Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (49)

You can read more on the Altar of Rites, Seals and Legendary Potion Powersin our dedicated Altar of Rites Mechanics guide.

Altar of Rites Explained


Paragon Points

In the Core section, max out Movement Speed to the 25% cap. Normally thisis done by dumping the first 50 Core Paragon points into Movement Speed, butif your boots have an imperfect roll with Movement Speed as a stat that youcannot replace, adjust the necessary point investment accordingly by simplysubtracting your roll from the 25% max. After that dump as much as youcomfortably can into Dexterity, but feel free to invest into Vitality if youfeel yourself lacking in toughness, or Maximum Hatred if you want to playaround with a bigger resource pool.

In the Offense section, max out Cooldown Reduction, Attack Speed, CritDamage and Crit Chance in that order. In Defense, prioritize All Resistance,then Life %, then Armor, and finish off with Life Regeneration. In Utility,build up Area Damage and Resource Cost Reduction first, then finish off withLife on Hit and Globe Radius.

SlotParagon Points
  1. Movement Speed up to 25% cap
  2. Dexterity
  3. Maximum Hatred (up to personal preference)
  4. Vitality
  1. Cooldown Reduction
  2. Critical Hit Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Attack Speed
  1. All Resistance
  2. Life %
  3. Armor
  4. Life Regeneration
  1. Area Damage
  2. Resource Cost Reduction
  3. Life on Hit
  4. Globe Radius



Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (50) Bane of the Trapped is a potent source of additional damage, as it isits own multiplier in your total damage calculation. The gem will be proccedby Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (51) Zei's Stone of Vengeance, Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (52) Thrill of the Hunt, crowd controlsecondary stats on your gear (Slow %, Freeze %), or Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (53) Wind Chill inspeedfarming.

Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (54) Zei's Stone of Vengeance is another independent multiplier, whoserange-dependent amplification can be easily maxed out by the long reach ofUnhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (55) Multishot. The level 25 property will add some minor control andsafety to the build, as well as another proc for Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (56) Bane of the Trapped.

Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (57) Bane of the Powerful's duration scales very well with levels, andhaving a low uptime on a decently leveled gem is a telling sign that the riftis unfavorable anyway (winding layout, lacking density, insufficient elites).The gem's default 20% damage increase has been reworked into multiplicative,and the level 25 bonus now increases AND reduces elite damage by 15%, makingit a well-rounded choice for many builds. For extremely high end pushing, swapthis gem out for Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (58) Bane of the Stricken to assist you in taking down theRift Guardian.

When it comes to gear gems, you will start out progression by slotting thehighest available level of Emeralds in the chest and pants sockets. Ideally,these will all be Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (59) Flawless Royal Emeralds as soon as possible. As yougrow in Paragon (bulking up Dexterity in the Core section) and aim for highertier and more dangerous GRs, you will transition those gems into the defensiveUnhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (60) Flawless Royal Diamond. There is no specific breakpoint where you dothat; the rule of thumb is to make the change as soon as you feel the lack oftoughness impede your progress. Since you are chasing a specific CDRbreakpoint, slot a Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (61) Flawless Royal Diamond in your helm. In your weapon,use a Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (62) Flawless Royal Emerald for the Crit Damage boost.

Torso and Pants

For more information about gems, please refer to our guide on gems.

Legendary Gems and Normal Gems Guide


Kanai's Cube

The previously affix-less Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (70) Dawn turns into one of the mostattractive Demon Hunter crossbows to consume in the cube. WithUnhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (71) Vengeance reworked into a universally desired buff, reducing itscooldown up to 65% and achieving permanent uptime through gear is anopportunity you cannot pass lightly.

Working alongside Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (72) Dawn, the new helm Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (73) Visage of Gunes allowsyou to store a convenient damage reduction bonus from Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (74) Dark Heart in theCube and work on your resource management through Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (75) Seethe on the skillbar. The old favorite for the slot, Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (76) Cindercoat, remains a strongalternative with its 30% cost reduction to Fire skills; it will result in alonger Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (77) Multishot Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (78) Arsenal resource dump (preferred for pushing GR limitswith the Fire spec), but takes you to the glass cannon extremities.

In the Unhallowed Essence / Captain Crimson mixture, you will need aUnhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (79) Ring of Royal Grandeur: a cache legendary ring from Act I bounties, to tie the two sets together.The ability to run with one full 6-piece set bonus and an additional 3-piecebonus, dodging the undesirable guaranteed stats on the Grandeur by cubing itspower, is a tremendous boost to the build.

The Kanai's Cube can be used for much more than simply extracting Legendary powers from items. Pleaserefer to our Kanai's Cube guide for more information.

Kanai's Cube guide


Unbound Kanai's Cube Slots (Season 31 Specific)

The seasonal theme for Season 31 will be completely flexible slots forKanai's Cube, which means you can use anypiece of gear in any slot of the Cube.



The recommended follower for this build during solo GR progression is theScoundrel due to his powerful crit buff, allowing you briefwindows of extra damage that are well suited to the strengths of this build.

For more information regarding followers, we advise you to read our FollowerGuide, which contains detailed advice for choosing the skills and the gear ofyour follower.

Diablo 3 Follower Guide


Legendary Potion

The preferred potion for this build is Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (83) Bottomless Potion of the Leechdue to its Life per Hit bonuses, which synergize perfectly for the high attackspeed and sustain-through-attacks playstyle of the build.



  • 10 Apr. 2024: Added Season 31 advice for the unbound Kanai's Cube slots.
  • 08 Jan. 2024: Revised guide for the permanent addition of the Altar of Rites, and added Season-specific Soul Shard recommendations.
  • 13 Sep. 2023: Added Season 29 Paragon Cap and Gearing recommendations.
  • 22 Feb. 2023: Added Season 28 Altar of Rites recommendations.
  • 26 Aug. 2022: Added Season 27 Angelic Crucible recommendations.
  • 13 Apr. 2022: Guide reviewed for Season 26.
  • 09 Dec. 2021: Added Season 25 Soul Shard recommendations.
  • 21 Jul. 2021: Added S24 Ethereal recommendation.
  • 01 Apr. 2021: Added follower recommendation.
  • 18 Nov. 2020: Added S22 Cube recommendation.
  • 30 Jun. 2020: No changes required for Season 21.
  • 12 Mar. 2020: No changes necessary for Season 20.
  • 21 Nov. 2019: Reviewed for Season 19. Expanded the stat priorities, paragon points, gems sections. Added a potion section.
  • 28 Aug. 2019: Minor correction to recommended gear.
  • 23 Aug. 2019: Now using Captain Crimson and Squirt's Necklace.
  • 16 May 2019: Guide was reviewed and approved for Season 17.
  • 17 Jan. 2019: Added suggestions for the baseline Ring of Royal Grandeur for Seasonal characters.

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Unhallowed Essence Multishot Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points (2024)


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